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JACKSON, MS – LEC is providing Industry with the enhanced ability to maintain mission-critical power with the launch of the customizable Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) remote control and monitoring solution, GenSet.
The newly-packaged GenSet solution, powered by LEC’s award-winning iQ2™ technology, is designed to overcome the challenges associated with maintaining vital, uninterrupted mission-critical emergency back-up generator power in times of main or grid failure.
“The GenSet solution was born out of multiple-client opportunities utilizing iQ2 for this use case,” says LEC VP of IIoT Brian Rosema. “Clients were looking to implement a remote monitor and control solution for large numbers of mission-critical infrastructure and operational sites. That’s how we discovered the market gap, and the need for this type of packaged solution for monitoring, control and data delivery across a diverse list of assets in the field.”
As the latest addition to LEC’s iQ2 product line, the unique GenSet solution enables real-time monitoring and control from any device, real-time performance trending analytics, and real-time alerts and alarms. This combination, along with GenSet’s many other features, drives efficiency, reduces maintenance costs, improves performance, and prevents fuel theft, resulting in overall increased productivity.

“IIoT is not just platform, connectivity and hardware: in most cases, it also requires engineering,” explains Rosema. “LEC is unique in the fact that we can take IIoT technology the last mile with our engineering expertise to create repeatable solutions that can drive down costs, simplify deployment and readily integrate the vast majority of current assets in the field. Additionally, it allows us to package a repeatable solution that can be sold through our sales channels.” The GenSet solution is designed for simple deployment and enablement on any number of sites or assets, no matter how few or how many. Learn more, schedule an online demo, or speak with an expert by visiting our contact us section.
LEC remains unwavering in our commitment to delivering performance-driven, disruptive innovation by working alongside our partners and clients to identify challenges and engineer solutions that move industry forward.
About LEC
LEC provides industrial automation control engineering, and industrial IoT (IIoT) enablement and web platform services of the highest quality with an unending commitment to our Clients, Strategic Partners and Communities. Through Client and Partner engagement, technical innovation, research, and investment in the brightest human resources, we engineer smarter systems to achieve complete satisfaction of those we serve. With each project, our goal is to establish a new standard of quality and professionalism.
For more information about LEC’s products and services, visit us online at
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